According to this study, my sheer existence must embarrass my children. I mean, I absolutely, unashamedly, do things on this list! It's who I am. But to know that it embarrasses my kiddos, which yes, they have told me before, makes me wonder which thing on the list I should give up.

A new survey found the top 10 things parents do that embarrass their kids.  Check 'em out . . .

1.  Dancing. 

Yup! I am guilty-as-charged on this one. In fact, this is the one that may embarrass them the most (when they are not joining in with me). I dance in the car, in the store, at home and anywhere I can. 

2.  Public displays of affection.

Guilty! I love my kiddos more than anything and show it as often as I can, even if I have to sneak a hug or kiss in! We have, a time or two, implemented the stealthy Mission-Impossible-Incognito-Kiss, where no one can see or tell that the Mom was just allowed to give her kiddos a kiss. This has happened on numerous occasions at school drop-offs.

3.  Trying to use modern slang terms.

You mean me saying, "YOLO!" (You Only Live Once) isn't cool?  Maybe I didn't get the hint when my daughter said "Mom, that only sounds cool in your head." (complete with the eye-roll).

4.  Wearing clothes that aren't appropriate for your age.

Whew! Thankfully, this is one I do NOT do. If anything, my kiddos are trying to get me to dress a bit more trendy or with not as many layers. The girls have no problem telling me exactly what they think of my clothes, even if, "Hey Mom, the 90s called, they want their clothes back." does fly out of their mouths every once in awhile.

5.  Telling embarrassing stories.

I can't quite help it if telling the story about me breaking my foot singing karaoke or slamming my own finger in the car door, still makes me laugh. Sometimes they laugh along, but mostly, since they have already heard it before, they just roll their eyes.  All of them.  I have been absolutely BANNED from breathing a syllable of anything embarrassing they have ever done. Hey, I'm a Mom who knows her place.

To get the full study and list of things that parents do to embarrass their kids, click HERE.


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